
Less ≠ More

MIXD = A + B

where A represents architectural projects and B represents the set of disciplines in which projects are engaged.

The above formula is a dynamic Venn diagram.

Subset B is basically unlimited (although by knowledge, talent, ambition, time)  but mainly includes:

  • construction management,
  • project development,
  • blog posts,
  • (web) publications,
  • art,
  • video production,
  • photography,
  • research

Although the relationship is not always linear, constant or counterbalanced, usually if the content of x = less, then a project is more architectural and vice versa…

∃ (A  ∝  B)

Where A overlaps with B : (A∩B) , the domain of the crossovers is created, subset C

Ultimately, it is this domain in which the magic happens…